We didn't get out much this summer due to the fact that jeff is always working.....so the kids and my mom and I took a drive up to Flagstaff to see my sister and escape the HEAT. We went to lake Mary and the kids couldn't stay out of the water.

We spent a lot of time in the pool this summer....it's the only way to survive the heat.

over Memorial day we were lucky to have lots of family visit. Justin and Amber, My grand parents, my dad and my sister and bob all came , it made it super fun to have so many people here to help berkley celebrate her 9th birthday.
We spent a lot of time in the pool this summer....it's the only way to survive the heat.
over Memorial day we were lucky to have lots of family visit. Justin and Amber, My grand parents, my dad and my sister and bob all came , it made it super fun to have so many people here to help berkley celebrate her 9th birthday.