This is the BIG egg hunt we have told you about. Our neighbors put this together every year and the kids (ok, the adults too!) look forward to it months in advance. It is always crazy and we didn't get many pictures of the kids( imagine taking photos in the middle of the running of the bulls.)
There were almost 2,000 filled eggs spread out around the yard, some with candy, some with small toys, about 1,000 were filled with "grab bag" tickets you turn in at the end of the hunt for bigger prizes like stuffed animals, large filled Easter baskets ,movies and even webkins (which had Berkley going crazy)
Wow, that is a really cool Easter egg hunt. What a fun day, for the kids and parents!
That looks like so much fun! I'm also jealous that you are all in shorts and tank tops, while it was snowing here on Easter. Miss you guys.
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